ВМХ рама, вынос - титан
заднее колесо на втулке от шоссейника, шоссейные шатуны Была цель-минимальный вес
За вел хочу 7000 Это чуть дороже
титановой рамы.
Торг уместен.
Wheelie Nelson
rider posted 03-30-2007 05:20
Everything about this is incoherent as hell.
Punk Dad
posted 03-30-2007 05:34
Chainstay indents on a Ti frame?
Cantilever hanger with V brake mounts?
Dropouts that look like @!#$?
I'd run a mile from that.
rider posted 03-30-2007 05:39
I like the stem...
rider posted 03-30-2007 05:43
if you build it, you have to ride it.
rider posted 03-30-2007 07:33
whats the point of building a ti frame if you're just going to put a 38 cent fork you found in a dumpster on it?
rider posted 03-30-2007 07:39
wh9o by bike.like thatўЇ
rider posted 03-30-2007 17:24
i would not buy that, because it does not look ti, maybe im wrong
Originally posted by Wheelie Nelson:
Everything about this is incoherent as hell.
so i am guessing
you are fluent in russian?
Not Eddie Roman
ringleader posted 03-30-2007 18:00
I like the 40-foot long rear end.
Originally posted by Punk Dad:
[B]Cantilever hanger with V brake mounts?
Aren't canti and v mounts the same?
I'd run a mile from that @!#$ too.
Not Eddie
ringleader posted 03-30-2007 18:22
Yeah, cantis and Vs mount the same. Just that Vs don't need the hanger. Obviously.
I assume that frame is made from radioactive
materials from Chernobyl.
rider posted 03-30-2007 18:28
and coated with a thin layer of ass
posted 03-30-2007 19:30
This is why we won the Cold War.
rider posted 03-30-2007 20:24
That outdated ti frame probably weighs the same as a current top of the line race frame. . . .
Not Eddie Roman
ringleader posted 03-30-2007 20:31
Mustang, this is Voodoo 3. Remaining MiGs are bugging out.
rider posted 03-31-2007 04:19
yeah this frame kinda 6-7 years old
and i don't know who is that @!#$ that built it. geometry is very funny, I don't buy it.
rider posted
03-31-2007 13:45
Im glad to see it comes with director forks
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