Posted Jun 4th 2007 11:35AM by Paul Miller
Filed under: Digital Cameras
You won't be seeing one of these sensors in your fashioncam any time soon. Canon has built a 50 megapixel CMOS monstrosity, which
is reportedly almost twice the resolution of its nearest competition, and is prepping it as a sort of large format surveillance camera for monitoring large, busy areas such as parking lots and theme parks, along with detailed work like factory part inspections. Despite the sensor's clear
industrial-end aims, Canon has managed to build its prototype at 19 x 28mm in size, the same dimensions of the sensors in its DSLR cameras, so who knows where this tech could end up in the long run. So far Canon hasn't even announced release plans for this current incarnation, so we aren't going to
go hawking our existing shooter just yet.
Скорее всего. кто-то просто точку пропустил... очепятка... или принтер точку не пропечатал
Да не, в тексте же так и сказано - монстроидальный CMOS, разрешением почти в два раза больше ближайшего конкурента. Размеры 19 на 28 мм, как раз
чтобы запихать в зеркалку.
Но сделано все пока чиста в технологических целях.
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