Translation: Victory victory [to] Govinda,
Victory victory [to] Gopala,
Hari [Krsna] pleasure giver to Radha,
Victory victory [to] Govinda,
Victory [to] Nrsingadeva (this is a form that Krsna took as half man and half lion and deva means god),
Gopala is one of Krsna's names. During Krsna's childhood in Vrindavana in North India, he grew up as a cow boy/cow herder. He took care of the cows, by taking a herd of cows for grazing to forests and green pastures. He protected them from wild beasts. Gopala is actually a joint name from
two words: go + pala. The meaning of go = cow, and the meaning of pala = caretaker or a person who protects and is responsible for the safety of something or someone.
Nrsingadeva is an avatar (incarnation) of Krsna/Vishnu. This form of Krsna was half lion and half man (the upper part of his body (face, chest and stomach) was of a lion, and lower part of his body was of a man). He had the fore limbs (arms) of a lion, having big paws and very sharp, long nails.
Nrsingdeva, itself, is a joint name of three words as follows: nr = male/man, sing = lion, deva = god.
Prabhupada refers to the spiritual master, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Praphupada ji, the founder of ISKCON. This is a common temple bhajan/song.
Govindam is one of the names
given to Sri Krsna. It is a joint name from two words: gov = cows + indam = god. Govinda was the person who was the god of the cows or the person who took care of the cows, just like the One takes care of man. Cows are very sacred in Bharat (India). They are entitled respect and loyalty, because
they are like mothers (read: Holy Cow by Steven J. Rosen).
Background Information: "Govinda" is a folk/devotional song and it is about Sri Krsna.
санскрит такие млин вызывает ощущниея теплоты несмотря на свой официальный статус .. и чуть ли не молочной смеси какой то детской.. даже не смеси.. далекие далекие.. тепла дыма и молока
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