а зватра я пойду с дочкой обедать) она спустится из своей башни и мы пойдем по набережной и будем болтать обо всем.. о мальчиках, музыке, машинах, подружках.. я буду обнимать ее за плечико а она отталкиваться так немного и стараться казаться взрослой) а потом мы может пойдем в кино и нам никто
небудет нужен)
Here is a song
From the wrong side of town
Where I'm bound
To the ground
By the loneliest sound
That pounds from within
And is pinning me down
Here is a page
From the emptiest stage
A cage or the heaviest cross
ever made
A gauge of the deadliest trap ever laid
And I thank you
For bringing me here
For showing me home
For singing these tears
Finally I've found
That I belong here
The heat and the sickliest
Sweet smelling sheets
That cling to the
backs of my knees
And my feet
I'm drowning in time
To a desperate beat
And I thank you
For bringing me here
For showing me home
For singing these tears
Finally I've found
That I belong here.
Feels like home
I should have known
From my first breath
God send the only true friend
I call mine
Pretend that I'll make amends
The next time
Befriend the glorious end of the line
And I thank you
For bringing me here
For showing me home
For singing these tears
I've found
That I belong here
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