Driven by Keir Dillon, Kelly Clark and Freddie Kalbermatten, the Raven™ is the all-terrain freestyle board of choice for charging transitions and backcountry lines full-speed. Redesigned in 06 for a more playful feel, we’ve made the Raven slightly softer with less bite for improved stompability in
any snow condition. For monstrous pop we mold the directional core into a twin-like shape for the absolute best handling both regular and switch. Designed with freeride roots, we’ve made the boards progressively wider as they get longer to deliver the appropriate waist width for deep-snow
no ia ne mogu nayti dazhe fotografii takogo zhe board'a,kak u menya> xotya sil'no iskal > est' foto RAVEN,no ni odnoi,poxozhei na moy- poetomu i interesuyus'
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