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Письмо активистки Greenpeace из Мурманска, захваченной российскими пиратами

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Письмо активистки Greenpeace из Мурманска, захваче...   #12794381  наверх

Dear readers,

My name is Ana Paula, and I’m one of the so-called Arctic 30 currently held in a Russian jail. Today is one month since they took us from our beloved ship the Arctic Sunrise. I first spent two days in one jail, then three days in another, and now I am sitting in this prison where they brought us on September 29th. All of this after a peaceful protest, where we wanted to draw the world’s attention to the risks and environmental harm of drilling for oil in the Arctic.

One month ago our lives stopped - we’re now alone and I have had time to pause and think. And I’d like to ask you, dear reader, how many products made from oil have you been using this month? Oil products are used to make lots of things, and those ‘things’ follow the law of supply and demand. People are eager to consume them. They buy them, use them, and dispose of them – it goes really fast these days. Our planet, the one we call home, the only one that we know has life on it, is at a crisis point, and we need to take action, individually, every day. I believe that they would not be trying to drill in the Arctic if no one used that oil. If we worried more about “being” and not about “owning”, we would use less oil, and the environment will be less at risk. The peaceful protests would not be necessary, and I would not be, unfairly, in jail.

I don’t have words to thank all the people who care about us and are calling for our freedom. I would like to thank especially the Brazilian government, who have shown tireless support in trying to get me my freedom back. Clara Solon from the Brazilian embassy in Russia is almost a second mom for me. She’s been an incredible support in her visits and with her presence in court, providing psychological help and doing everything she could.

I want to tell the world and those who care:

SAVE THE ARCTIC, use less to be more, use reusable bags, turn off the light when you’re not using it, use products with less packaging, use your legs more and your car less. Your mobile phone is not you, it doesn’t say anything about your values, you don´t need the latest, more fashionable one. Recycle, fix what’s broken instead of buying it new, inform yourself. There are so thousands little actions that can be taken every day to save the Arctic, the Amazon, coral reefs, and all the rest. It´s about choosing well what we buy. We are all responsible for make this change happen!!

Promise me you will try. And I will know that this month in jail wasn´t in vain.

With love, Ana.

Ana Paula Alminhana Maciel, 23 October to everyone
20/22 |    |  Поделиться:  
Re: Письмо активистки Greenpeace из Мурманска, зах...   #12794383  наверх
Автор: Arctic30

Ana Paula Alminhana Maciel


Фотография из Фотогалереи на E1.ru
12/13 |    |  Поделиться:  
Re: Письмо активистки Greenpeace из Мурманска, зах...   #12794386  наверх
Автор: Andrello™ *2041* 

Кем кем она захвачена? Российскими пиратами? )))))
8/11 |    |  Поделиться:  
Re: Письмо активистки Greenpeace из Мурманска, зах...   #12794387  наверх
Автор: Arctic30

От пользователя: Andrello?

Кем кем она захвачена? Российскими пиратами?

ну не бразильскими же! Пираты прилетели на верушке и захватили корабль вместе с экипажем в нейтральных водах
13/16 |    |  Поделиться:  
Re: Письмо активистки Greenpeace из Мурманска, зах...   #12794388  наверх
Автор: Pervert

Так уж и в нейтральных
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Re: Письмо активистки Greenpeace из Мурманска, зах...   #12794390  наверх
Автор: Arctic30

От пользователя: Pervert

Так уж и в нейтральных

а ты больше Путин-ТВ верь :-D
10/16 |    |  Поделиться:  
Re: Письмо активистки Greenpeace из Мурманска, зах...   #12794396  наверх
Автор: ddd[гость]   (О пользователе)

От пользователя: Arctic30

Ana Paula Alminhana Maciel

ну с такой то рожей только в гринписе и пытацо жизь устроить :-D
14/6 |    |  Поделиться:  
Re: Письмо активистки Greenpeace из Мурманска, зах...   #12794442  наверх
Автор: Verpiss Dich

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

От пользователя: Arctic30

ну не бразильскими же! Пираты прилетели на верушке и захватили корабль вместе с экипажем в нейтральных водах

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Модератор, забань уже этого идиота
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Re: Письмо активистки Greenpeace из Мурманска, зах...   #12794446  наверх
Автор: Пан Щик 

Убейте бота :ultra:
9/5 |    |  Поделиться:  
Re: Письмо активистки Greenpeace из Мурманска, зах...   #12794448  наверх
Автор: Пан Щик 

Гопоту из Гринпис отправить лес валить :ultra:
9/5 |    |  Поделиться:  
Re: Письмо активистки Greenpeace из Мурманска, зах...   #12794452  наверх
Автор: Модератор

8/8 |    |  Поделиться:  
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