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Срочно ХЕЛП!!! MS SQL transaction log is full

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Срочно ХЕЛП!!! MS SQL transaction log is full   #5222  наверх

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Re: Срочно ХЕЛП!!! MS SQL transaction log is full   #5224  наверх
Автор: Snake [гость]

сенкс, разобрался
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Re: Срочно ХЕЛП!!! MS SQL transaction log is full   #5225  наверх
Автор: A/\\EHA  (О пользователе)

truncate log ili za"backup"it'. v dannom slu4ae leg4e zabackupit'

a eshe jelatel'no po4itat' vot eto:

Microsoft SQL Server does not truncate the transaction log when backing up the database. Therefore, when you are creating database backups, it is recommended that you set the transaction log to be truncated automatically every time a checkpoint occurs in the database by setting the trunc. log on chkpt. database option to TRUE. This prevents the transaction log from becoming full, which would require the transaction log to be truncated manually.

If you are producing only database backups, the backup interval should be long enough to keep the backup overhead from affecting production work, yet short enough to prevent the loss of significant amounts of data. Databases that do not contain critical data and have few modifications can be backed up on a weekly or biweekly basis. Data that is more critical or more volatile may need to be backed up daily, or even more frequently. Some databases that are usually read-only may need to be backed up only after a periodic refresh with new data.

It is also prudent to have more than one backup of the database. It is recommended that you maintain a rotating series of backup media, so that you have two or more versions of the database you can restore. This allows you to address situations in which a user may make some incorrect modifications that are not detected for some time, or to fall back to an earlier backup if backup media is damaged.


sorry, 4to obrezaiu link, no ina4e on ne zaidet kak nado
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Re: Срочно ХЕЛП!!! MS SQL transaction log is full   #5226  наверх
Автор: Snake [гость]

я забакапил
он разросся до 3.5Г
а места нету - пришлось повозица

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Re: Срочно ХЕЛП!!! MS SQL transaction log is full   #5229  наверх
Автор: A/\\EHA  (О пользователе)

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