So with some parts I had, and some parts a good friend sent, ive assembled a lower-end gaming pc for my son for his birthday (hes 6, so hes only playing like minecraft, roblox, etc) im having an issue though regarding the gpu.
When i have the gpu installed, i have no monitor output
whether i plug into the GPU, or into the motherboard VGA or HDMI. I figure this may be due to drivers, so i uninstalled the GPU from the case, its sitting on the table right now, and im using on-board graphics. When i download compatible drivers from Nvidia, the installation wont continue because it
doesnt see the GPU installed (obviously). But i cant install the GPU because i have absolutely no video output if i do.
What steps do i take from here?
Build is as follows.
Motherboad: Asus P5G41T-M DDR 3 "gaming motherboard"
2×4GB DDR3
CPU: Intel core 2 quad Q6600
GPU: Zotac GeForce GTX 650 2gb
Storage: 2x500gb western digital hdds
Windows 10 newest build
Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you in advance
Also, i figured
maybe at first it was because i hadnt installed windows or anything at that point. I removed the GPU, updated BIOS, wiped partitions and installed Windows 10. Tried installing drivers like mentioned above, but didnt work. So this is where im stuck. Is there a way to force install the drivers so i
can try it with drivers already installed?
The computer isnt close to the router so i cant plug it in, i just have a tiny 801.11n usb dongle for wifi, which works very well ill add. So there is internet, just not connected via LAN cable.
Praying to the computer gods i
just did something wrong and the GPU is fine, my sons bday is the 19th and i cant afford to buy another GPU. Ill do a triple check to make sure its seated good.
It plugs in via 6-pin plug. Instead of the one directly on the PSU, i have a 2×molex-to-6-pin adapter ill try as well
to rule out the power cable.
Also, when the PC posts, it always kicks the fans to high speed for a few seconds right after post and the loading screens. Though i couldn't see it with the GPU connected, it still does the fan kick, so im assuming it made it through post.
The pc is currently working fine, minus the GPU not being installed until I figure out what to do next. Windows 10 is running, and my sons watching youtube on it at the moment. The 15yr old sony vaio laptop he was using finally died today too, so i have no backup PC to do anything with.
Thanks again,
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Re: Issues with new to me GPU. Drivers? Hardware i...
It's a bullshit :beach: Go to the BIOS through on board VGA port & select to boot from PCI-E first . Do non plug GPU until doing this step , plug it after .
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