ну чё братья джапаводы и янкифаны ... с этого момента нас мр.Брайан объединяет в единое целое :smoke:
""" GCF becomes automotive portal for enthusiasts of all disciplines
It has been a long and winding road but we finally made it. The idea to expand
our brand as an automotive publisher has been in development for the past 18 months and despite resistance and doubt from outside forces we maintained our determination and vision. It is with great pleasure I present to you our three new sister web sites. They are: www.JapaneseCarFans.com www.AmericanCarFans.com www.WorldCarFans.com.
вот такие вот пироги )))
Игорёха ( Майбах ) и Ты неужель не знал об этом ? :smoke:
и ведь хоршо сказано )))
The concept
In an effort to accommodate our readership with more diversified content while reaching out to new audiences we decided
to expand our subject matter. We had thought of creating web sites each with separate and unique identities but felt that idea would have been like starting from the beginning again. Instead we wanted to re-create the GCF concept and apply it to the rest of the major manufacturers. This would allow
us to attract a much wider audience but still offer a focused atmosphere.
The Architecture
The objectives in creating the site architecture were to maintain the reader's ability to quickly assess and view information in an entertaining way despite an increased volume of
content. We believe this has been achieved and remain confident that it will come as second nature for our loyal readers as well as new visitors who find us in the future.
Staying true to the national theme AmericanCarFans.com and JapaneseCarFans.com will each continue with
rapid-fire news updates and large photo galleries just the same as GCF. WorldCarFans.com will serve as the main portal site where all updates from each of the "CarFans" sites can be viewed. Furthermore, each sister site can be accessed separately and then again categorized down to a specific
manufacturer or content category. No matter what your preference for car enthusiasm, we offer something for everyone.
Number of occupants 4 persons
Maximum speed 150km/h
Motor Max. output 80kW(109PS)
Max. torque 272N?m(27.7kg/m)
Type AC synchronous electric (Honda-made)
Fuel cell stack Type Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cell (Honda-made) Output 86kW
Fuel Type Compressed hydrogen gas
Storage High-pressure hydrogen tank (350
atmospheres) Capacity 156.6 liters
Dimensions(L x W x H, mm) 4165 x 1760 x 1645
Energy storage Ultra capacitor (Honda-made)
Vehicle range 430km LA-4 mode, Honda internal calculations
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