Gullwing revival?
Mercedes and AMG are still hard at work in Europe and the USA on the successor of the legendary 300 SL from the fifties and sixties. Codenamed the W197, this might just be the hottest project for the coming years and is scheduled to make its first appearance in 2010.
There is not much we can tell you besides the fact that every detail is sketchy at best, but the car is being developed by AMG and should be built in the Mercedes Sindelfingen plant in Germany at a rate of 3,000 to 5,000 units annually.
The 2 seater will probably be powered by a 620 hp V8,
be a few centimeters shorter than the future SL, have a tubular frame like the '50s Gullwing 300 SL and have rear-wheel-drive. Expect a hefty price tag of somewhere between 150,000 to 200,000 Euro.
Цитата: От пользователя: Mr._Ilya™
Вот только я не пойму...
Кузов-то реально вайперовский похоже)... Есть догадка: обкатывают узлы будещего SLC в кузове вайпера, ну типа со времен Даймлер-Крайслер и все такое...
Я всегда в сервисе говорю мастерам, чтоб когда через крылья перегибаются - накидывали ткань :-D А тут как порабоатли в грязной робе, даже не вытерли крылья :lol:
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