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В медицинских текстах бывают неточности. Так, например "seizures" в медицине - прежде всего - судороги.
Thiamine (vitamin Bl) is an essential component of a number of metabolic pathways and cats are particularly dependent on dietary thiamine.57–60 Thiamine deficiency
causing a progressive encephalopathy has been described in cats eating diets preserved with sulphur dioxide, commercial diets that have been inadequately supplemented, diets where thiamine is degraded by heating and diets containing thiaminase 57–60 Neurologic signs may include impaired vision,
mydriasis, ataxia, ventroflexion of the head and neck, vestibular signs, seizures, coma and even death 57–59
Seizures are common in thiamine-deficient cats but are often accompanied by other neurologic signs.57–60 Seizures occurred in 10 /17 cats (59%) fed a thiamine-deficient diet,
and 80% of those seizuring cats experienced cluster seizures or status epilepticus.59 MRI of the brain can be normal in cats with neurologic signs due to thiamine deficiency or can reveal bilaterally symmetric hyperintense foci in the lateral geniculate nuclei, caudal colliculi, facial nuclei,
cerebellar nodulus and medial vestibular nuclei on T2-weighted and FLAIR images (Figure 3).57–60 These grey matter regions correspond to sites of hemorrhage and edema seen on neuropathology.57 Whole blood thiamine concentrations can be measured to confirm the diagnosis; and supplementation with
parenteral and oral thiamine, and changing the diet to include adequate thiamine, will usually result in a rapid recovery and resolution of all neurologic signs including seizures.57-60
[57-60 -ссылки на номер статьи в списке литературы]
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